Our Home at 201 Gray

    Would you like a tour? Visit our Recruitment Page or contact any of our Officers for details.

To Make Better Men

Securing Our Legacy Campaign

How to Contribute

  • Eta Alumni Corporation - these gifts are not tax deductible, but immediately available for use for roof construction and mortgage. Gifts of grain are ideal for this purpose.
  • ETA Education foundation - these gifts are tax deductible. The foundation will loan funds to the corporation for use. 100% of these funds go to AGR.
  • Contributions to the Securing our Legacy Fund through the Iowa State Foundation are tax deductible and many companies with match contributions made to the Iowa State Foundation. Contributions to the Legacy Fund are recognized by the Eta Chapter Educational Foundation and Iowa State University, such as the Cyclone Club, count towards membership in the Order of the Knoll.
  • The Educational Foundation of Alpha Gamma Rho (National Fraternity) directed to the ETA Chapter through the Local Chapter Excellence Campaign. These gifts are tax deductible; the National Foundation will transfer funds to the ETA corporation for use. 100% of these funds go to the ETA Chapter.
  • Ways to contribute include:

  Alpha Gamma Rho Securing Our Legacy Pledge Form

  AGR ETA Education ACH Form

  Iowa State Foundation Donation Website

  • Gifts made to the Alpha Gamma Rho Securing Our Legacy Fund can be made annually, semi-annually, or monthly.

  $21 per month = $250 annual grant

  $42 per month = $500 annual grant

  $84 per month = $1000 annual grant

Thank you for your generosity and investment in the future of Eta Chapter!


Interested in joining, learning, or contacting Alpha Gamma Rho? Visit our Recruitment Page or fill out the Interest Form. Feel free to contact any of the officers with any questions you might have.

The Second Century Addition

This new addition completed in the spring of 2018 features the addition of a chapter room, boardroom, new formal living space, three study rooms, and more. Click Here to view the expansion photos!!